Special Events Photography in Twentynine Palms California by Marisa McDonald Photography: 2-7 Change of Command

December 31, 2016

Special Events Photography in Twentynine Palms California by Marisa McDonald Photography: 2-7 Change of Command Ceremony

 special events

Every once in a while I get the huge honor of photographing some very special events for our service members. Usually that means photographing a homecoming where family members are reunited after very long separations. A few weeks ago it was a change of command ceremony. This ceremony marked the passing of leadership from one Commanding Officer to the next. A Commanding Officer is responsible for leading and guiding his battalion through some of the most trying times of their lives. So watching him pass that responsibility on to another leader in front of the whole battalion and hundreds of family and friends? Yeah….its emotional to say the least! The band, the whole battalion standing at attention, the families and friends always present in love and support…its a special day to be sure.

I hope you enjoy these images! As a special treat, I am also including a video slideshow at the end so you can get a bigger picture of this amazing event!

twentynine palms photographytwentynine palms special events photographyspecial event photographymilitary photographymilitary photographyspecial event photographyextended family photographyextended family photography


And here’s the slideshow! Enjoy!