Baptism at Infant of Prague Catholic Church:
Priest, Prophet, and King
“Baptism is the best gift we have received. Through it, we belong to God and we possess the joy of salvation.” – Pope Francis
Last weekend I was honored to photograph the baptism of Liam Joseph at Infant of Prague Catholic Church in Jacksonville, NC. It was such a sweet day for him. He may not remember it but his many family members who were present certainly will. Because of their faith he was baptized and anointed Priest, Prophet, and King! Hopefully one day he can look at these pictures, know the faith of his parents, and renew his Baptismal vows for himself!
I had never been to Infant of Prague before because it’s about 40 minutes from home for me. When I googled it online I admit I had a bit of dread. It looked very dark and had red carpets…two things any photographer would dread. When I stepped inside though I was blown away! Yes it was dark and yes it had red carpets but it had an “Old World” feel to it that was actually quite stunning. The giant crown chandelier along with the amazing stained glass windows made it really spectacular.
My favorite part of the Baptism was watching Father Vic pray over Liam as he crawled around. Liam is still a baby but on this day he also became a Child of God.